Differences between static and dynamic measurements of the elastic moduli in a typical seismogenic rock

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Static and dynamic elastic moduli of Calcare Massiccio mudstone–limestone, the typical seismogenic rock in the Italian Apennines, are measured using a standard uniaxial ‘static’ compression test, a Dual Cantilever forced oscillation test and ultrasonic measurement of elastic wave velocities. These measurements cover nine decades in frequency including the seismic domain. Neither a significant frequency dependence nor a pronounced strain amplitude dependence was observed, providing a Young’s modulus of (75 ± 7) GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of (0.28 ± 0.02). These values are characteristic of Calcare Massiccio in undamaged condition.

Ciccotti M. and Mulargia F., 2004. Differences between static and dynamic measurements of the elastic moduli in a typical seismogenic rock. Geophys. J. Int. 157[1], pp. 474-477.


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