Ciccotti M., 1998. A Wavelet application in the analysis of fracture mechanics data. Oral presentation and contributed paper at the International Wavelet Conference - Tangier 98. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3.
Ciccotti M., 1998. A Wavelet application in the analysis of fracture mechanics data. Oral presentation and contributed paper at the International Wavelet Conference - Tangier 98. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3.
Gonzato G., Ciccotti M. and Mulargia F., 2000.Fractal dimension of river patterns : a geological context-recognition technique. Abstract (...)
M. Ciccotti, F. Mulargia and R. Almagro, 2003. Static and dynamic measurements of the elastic moduli in a typical seismogenic rock of Italy and (...)